The most musical mayhem ever created by a girl and a boy." Comprised of Greg and Kyrsten Magnuson, this dynamic duo has collectively been known to play drums, guitar, bass, cello, and keyboards live all while performing beautifully intricate harmonies. Specializing in doing more with less, they bring their unique "White Stripes meets Metallica" brand of progressive indie-rock wherever it is needed. As one devotee commented on Youtube: "Jack White just sent this vid to his mom, he wrote- 'Sorry ma, this is what we should have sounded like."'
The band has spent the last 7 years touring the western US and Northern Europe in countries like Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Mallorca, Sweden, Finland, and The Netherlands with such a positive response that they keep asking for more. Their 2016 release Discordia was a prophetic take on the disorder and chaos that was about to unfold in the world in much the same way their 2011 release Crash of Cassini spoke of signs and events in the heavens. The band is currently working on several new singles to be released very soon.
Listen to the songs and watch the live video, you won't be disappointed. In the mean time, Magnuson will be in their shelter practicing their craft and honing their fighting skills. "If you are hearing this message, we have food, water, shelter, and excellent music."...end transmission.
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Main Photo: by Photo by Kyrsten Magnuson
Live Photos from Helsinki by Alexandra Sleaze